Join Us!

Anyone, Any Schedule

We welcome University of Maryland students of any class standing or major to get involved with our club! And if you're always busy, don't worry. Our events are flexible and the time commitment is up to you!

How to Join

Simply join our GroupMe using the button below and we'll keep you up to date about all of our events! Oh, and you can sign up for our monthly email newsletter too!

How to Get Involved

If you're completely new, the easiest way to get involved immediately is coming to one of our general body meetings (GBMs)! We hold a GBM every Wednesday from 7-8 PM in the basement of the Reckord Armory.

After you've attended a GBM and you're up-to-date, volunteering/participating at our fundraisers and coming to our social events is the next step in getting involved with One Thousand Schools! Information about all of our events will always be shared in the GroupMe, at our GBMs, and on the "Events" page of this site.

Our Fundraisers Include:

· Thrift SHHop at STAMP

· Candle Sales

· Restaurant Nights

· Gala and Silent Auction

· Bake Sales

· Super Bowl Squares

· Charcuterie Night

Our Social Events Include:

· Post-GBM Hangouts

· Themed Parties

· Game Nights

· Formal

· Tailgates

· Hikes

· Roast Night

And of course...


This is hands down THE best part of our club. Every Winter Break, we fly to Honduras to assist with the construction of a new school and spend time directly with the communities we're fundraising for. It's only a week, but it's one of the most amazing weeks you'll ever have.

Questions about getting involved? Check out our FAQs!

Still have questions? Reach out to @1000schoolsumd or one of our social chairs on Instagram!

Caleb McClatchey


Evan Demos
